Using Opportunity Problem Statements To Achieve Success

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Using Opportunity Problem Statements to Achieve Success

What is an Opportunity Problem Statement?

An opportunity problem statement is a simple, yet effective tool used by successful business and entrepreneurs to help them identify and solve issues. It is a way of looking at an issue and analyzing it in terms of how it can be an opportunity. It helps to define the issue and identify potential solutions, allowing for innovation and problem solving.

How Opportunity Problem Statements Can Help

The use of opportunity problem statements can help a business or entrepreneur to identify potential opportunities and develop solutions to the issues presented. It helps to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable chunks. This allows for an easier and more efficient process of problem solving. Opportunity problem statements can also be used to identify potential customer needs that can be addressed through product or service development.

Creating an Opportunity Problem Statement

The process of creating an opportunity problem statement begins with the identification of an issue or problem. It is important to be clear and concise when identifying the problem and to focus on what the opportunity could be. The next step is to define the problem in terms of what it is, why it exists, and what potential solutions could be. This helps to focus the problem in a way that can be addressed by the business or entrepreneur.

Sample Problem Statements

To illustrate how an opportunity problem statement can be used, here are three examples of potential problems that could be addressed:

  • How can we increase customer engagement with our products and services?
  • How can we improve our customer service experience?
  • How can we reduce costs and increase profits?

Developing Solutions

Once the problem has been identified and defined, the next step is to develop potential solutions. This can be done by brainstorming ideas and discussing potential solutions with other stakeholders. It is important to consider a variety of potential solutions and to look at the issue from different angles. This helps to ensure that the most effective solution is identified. Once a solution has been identified, it is important to consider the resources and time that will be required for implementation.

Evaluating Solutions

Once the potential solutions have been identified and discussed, the next step is to evaluate them. This involves considering the various factors that could influence the success of the solution. These can include financial costs, customer satisfaction, and the potential impact on the business. The evaluation process helps to ensure that the best solution is chosen and can help to avoid mistakes or oversights.


Opportunity problem statements are a useful tool for businesses and entrepreneurs to identify and solve issues. They can help to focus efforts and resources on the most important issues and ensure that potential solutions are identified and evaluated. By following the steps outlined above, businesses and entrepreneurs can ensure that they are taking advantage of the opportunities presented to them and are helping to achieve success.