3-Month Exercise Workout Plan For A Healthy Lifestyle

Beginner Gym Workout Plan For Lose Weight Visual.ly
Beginner Gym Workout Plan For Lose Weight Visual.ly from visual.ly

3-Month Exercise Workout Plan for a Healthy Lifestyle


When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, exercise is one of the most important elements. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced athlete, having a workout plan can help you stay on track and achieve your goals. Here are three different workout plans that can help you get started.

Beginner Workout Plan

If you’re just starting out with exercise, a beginner workout plan is a great way to get started. This plan should focus on developing your strength, endurance, and flexibility. Start by doing a warm-up routine that includes stretching and light cardio, such as walking or jogging. Then, do strength training exercises, such as push-ups, pull-ups, squats, lunges, and crunches, for about 20 minutes. Finally, end with a cool-down routine that includes light stretching. Repeat this routine three times a week for optimal results.

Intermediate Workout Plan

If you’ve been exercising for a while, an intermediate workout plan is a great way to take your fitness to the next level. This plan should focus on improving your strength, endurance, and agility. Start by doing a warm-up routine that includes dynamic stretching and light cardio, such as jogging. Then, do strength training exercises, such as push-ups, pull-ups, squats, lunges, and crunches, for about 30 minutes. Finally, end with a cool-down routine that includes light stretching. Repeat this routine three to four times a week for optimal results.

Advanced Workout Plan

If you’re an experienced athlete, an advanced workout plan is a great way to take your fitness to the next level. This plan should focus on improving your strength, power, and agility. Start by doing a warm-up routine that includes dynamic stretching and high-intensity cardio, such as running or cycling. Then, do strength training exercises, such as plyometrics, Olympic lifts, and power moves, for about 45 minutes. Finally, end with a cool-down routine that includes light stretching. Repeat this routine four to five times a week for optimal results.


No matter what your fitness level is, having a workout plan is key to achieving your fitness goals. Whether you’re a beginner, an intermediate, or an advanced athlete, having a workout plan that is tailored to your needs can help you stay on track and improve your overall health and wellbeing. Try one of the above plans to get started on your fitness journey!