Curriculum Vitae Tips

How to write a powerful personal statement for your CV Viewpoint
How to write a powerful personal statement for your CV Viewpoint from


A curriculum vitae, commonly known as a CV, is a document that provides an overview of a person's academic and professional qualifications. It is typically used when applying for jobs or academic positions. A well-written CV can greatly increase your chances of landing an interview and ultimately securing a job. In this article, we will provide you with some valuable tips on how to create an impressive CV.

1. Keep it concise

When it comes to CVs, less is more. Employers and recruiters receive numerous applications, and they don't have the time to read through lengthy documents. Keep your CV concise and to the point, focusing on the most relevant information. Ideally, your CV should not exceed two pages.

2. Tailor your CV to the job

Before submitting your CV, take the time to carefully read the job description and understand the requirements. Customize your CV accordingly, highlighting your relevant skills, experiences, and qualifications that match the job description. This will show the employer that you are a good fit for the role.

3. Use a professional format

Your CV should be well-organized and easy to read. Use headings and bullet points to structure your information. Choose a professional font and maintain a consistent formatting style throughout your CV. Avoid using fancy fonts or excessive formatting, as it can make your CV look unprofessional.

4. Start with a strong personal statement

Begin your CV with a powerful personal statement that summarizes your key skills, experiences, and career goals. This will grab the employer's attention and make them want to read more. Be concise and specific, focusing on what makes you unique and why you are the right candidate for the job.

5. Highlight your achievements

Instead of simply listing your job responsibilities, focus on highlighting your achievements and accomplishments. Include specific examples of how you have made a positive impact in your previous roles. This will demonstrate your skills and capabilities to potential employers.

6. Include relevant keywords

Many employers and recruiters use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen CVs. These systems scan CVs for specific keywords and phrases related to the job. To increase your chances of getting past the ATS, include relevant keywords throughout your CV. These can be found in the job description or by researching the industry.

7. Proofread for errors

One of the most common mistakes people make on their CVs is spelling and grammar errors. These mistakes can make you appear careless and unprofessional. Before submitting your CV, thoroughly proofread it for any errors. You can also ask a friend or family member to review it for you.

8. Include relevant references

References can add credibility to your CV and provide potential employers with insights into your character and work ethic. Include the contact details of two or three professional references who can vouch for your abilities and qualifications. Make sure to inform your references beforehand and seek their permission to include their information.

9. Keep it up to date

As you gain new experiences and qualifications, make sure to update your CV regularly. This will ensure that your CV is always current and reflects your most recent accomplishments. Review your CV periodically to remove outdated information and add any new relevant details.

10. Seek professional help

If you are unsure about how to create an effective CV, consider seeking professional help. There are many professional CV writing services available that can assist you in creating a customized and impactful CV. They can provide valuable insights and help you stand out from the competition.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How long should my CV be?

A: Ideally, your CV should not exceed two pages. Keep it concise and focus on the most relevant information.

Q: What should I include in my personal statement?

A: Your personal statement should summarize your key skills, experiences, and career goals. It should be concise and specific, focusing on what makes you unique and why you are the right candidate for the job.

Q: Should I include a photograph on my CV?

A: In most cases, it is not necessary to include a photograph on your CV, unless specifically requested by the employer. Focus on providing relevant information about your qualifications and experiences instead.

Q: How important are references on a CV?

A: References can add credibility to your CV and provide potential employers with insights into your character and work ethic. Include the contact details of two or three professional references who can vouch for your abilities and qualifications.

Q: Should I include all my work experience on my CV?

A: It is generally recommended to include only the most relevant work experience on your CV. Focus on highlighting your achievements and accomplishments in those roles.

Q: Is it necessary to include my educational qualifications on my CV?

A: Yes, it is important to include your educational qualifications on your CV, especially if they are relevant to the job you are applying for. Include the name of the institution, degree obtained, and any relevant coursework or projects.

Q: How can I make my CV stand out?

A: To make your CV stand out, tailor it to the job you are applying for, highlight your achievements and accomplishments, and use a professional format. Including relevant keywords and seeking professional help can also make your CV more impactful.

Q: Should I include my hobbies and interests on my CV?

A: Including hobbies and interests on your CV is optional. If they are relevant to the job or can showcase transferable skills, you can include them. However, if they are not relevant or do not add value to your application, it is better to leave them out.

Q: How often should I update my CV?

A: It is recommended to update your CV regularly, especially as you gain new experiences and qualifications. Review your CV periodically to remove outdated information and add any new relevant details.

Q: Can I use a CV template?

A: Yes, using a CV template can be a helpful starting point. However, make sure to customize it according to your specific qualifications and experiences. Avoid using generic templates that may make your CV look unoriginal.


Curriculum Vitae, CV, tips, job application, professional qualifications, personal statement, achievements, references, work experience, education