Family Emergency Plan Sheet: Preparing Your Household for Unexpected Events

Family Emergency Plan Sheet: Preparing Your Household for Unexpected Events

In the midst of everyday life, it's easy to overlook the significance of having a well-thought-out family emergency plan. However, being prepared for unforeseen events can make a world of difference in keeping your loved ones safe and reducing stress during challenging times. A family emergency plan sheet serves as a vital tool in organizing and communicating essential information that can guide your household through various emergencies.

The purpose of a family emergency plan sheet is to provide a clear and concise roadmap for your family members to follow in the event of an emergency. This document outlines important details, including emergency contact information, evacuation plans, meeting locations, and supplies needed to sustain your household during a crisis. By having this information readily available, you can ensure that everyone in your family knows what to do and where to go when the unexpected occurs.

Creating a family emergency plan sheet may seem daunting at first, but it's a crucial step towards protecting your loved ones. In the following sections, we'll guide you through the process of developing a comprehensive and customized plan sheet that addresses your household's specific needs.

family emergency plan sheet

Vital tool for household emergencies.

  • Emergency contact information.
  • Evacuation plans and meeting locations.
  • Supplies for sustenance and survival.
  • Communication plan and procedures.
  • Specific instructions for family members.
  • Regular review and updates.

Preparation is key to family safety.

Emergency contact information.

In the event of an emergency, having a list of emergency contact information readily available is crucial. This information should include the names, phone numbers, and addresses of individuals who can be reached in case of an emergency, such as extended family members, close friends, and neighbors.

  • Include local emergency services.

    List the phone numbers for local emergency services such as the police, fire department, and ambulance.

  • Assign a primary and secondary contact.

    Identify a primary contact person who will be responsible for coordinating communication and decision-making during an emergency. Also, include a secondary contact in case the primary contact is unavailable.

  • Provide out-of-area contact information.

    If you have family or friends who live outside of your immediate area, include their contact information as well. This is especially important if you need to evacuate to a different location during an emergency.

  • Consider using a waterproof and fireproof container.

    To ensure that your emergency contact information is protected from the elements and potential hazards, consider storing it in a waterproof and fireproof container.

Keep your emergency contact information updated regularly and ensure that all family members know where it is located. It's also a good idea to share this information with your children's school or daycare provider.

Evacuation plans and meeting locations.

In the event of an emergency that requires you to evacuate your home, it's essential to have a plan in place and designated meeting locations.

Create an evacuation plan:

  • Identify multiple evacuation routes from your home, taking into account different emergency scenarios such as fire, flood, or earthquake.
  • Practice your evacuation plan with all family members, including young children and elderly relatives. Ensure everyone knows the evacuation routes and meeting locations.
  • Keep a map of your area nearby and mark the evacuation routes and meeting locations clearly.

Choose meeting locations:

  • Select at least two meeting locations: one close to your home and one farther away in case you need to evacuate a longer distance.
  • Choose meeting locations that are safe, easily accessible, and familiar to all family members.
  • Communicate the meeting locations to all family members and ensure everyone knows how to get there.

Additional considerations:

  • If you have pets, include them in your evacuation plan and identify pet-friendly shelters or accommodations.
  • Keep a go-bag or emergency kit ready with essential supplies such as food, water, first aid kit, and medications.
  • Stay informed about potential hazards and emergency alerts in your area. Sign up for local emergency notifications and have a battery-powered radio on hand.

By having a well-defined evacuation plan and designated meeting locations, you can ensure that your family knows what to do and where to go during an emergency, helping to keep everyone safe and accounted for.

Supplies for sustenance and survival.

In an emergency situation, having a supply of essential items can help sustain your family and ensure their survival. Here's what to include in your emergency supply kit:

Food and water:

  • Store a three-day supply of non-perishable food items that are easy to prepare and eat, such as canned goods, energy bars, and dried fruits.
  • Include at least one gallon of water per person per day for drinking and cooking.
  • Consider adding a water purification system or water treatment tablets to your kit in case clean water is unavailable.

First aid supplies:

  • Pack a first aid kit that includes bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any essential medications your family members require.
  • Consider including a CPR guide and training materials in your kit.

Clothing and bedding:

  • Pack a change of clothing for each family member, including sturdy shoes and warm layers.
  • Include blankets or sleeping bags for each person to keep warm during an emergency.

Other essential items:

  • Include a flashlight, batteries, and a battery-powered radio to stay informed and communicate during an emergency.
  • Pack a multi-tool or utility knife for various tasks.
  • Consider adding a whistle, duct tape, and garbage bags to your kit.
  • Don't forget personal hygiene items such as soap, toothpaste, and toilet paper.

Keep your emergency supply kit in a designated location that is easily accessible to all family members. Regularly check and update the contents of your kit to ensure they are in good condition and replace any expired items.

Communication plan and procedures.

During an emergency, it's crucial to have a communication plan in place to stay connected with your family members and emergency responders.

Establish a primary mode of communication:

  • Choose a primary mode of communication that all family members can use, such as text messaging, social media, or a specific app.
  • Make sure everyone in the family knows how to use the chosen communication method.

Create a central communication hub:

  • Designate a central location, such as a family message board or online group, where family members can post updates and information during an emergency.
  • Ensure everyone in the family knows how to access and use the central communication hub.

Assign communication roles:

  • Assign specific communication roles to family members, such as a primary communicator or a backup communicator.
  • The primary communicator will be responsible for relaying information to and from family members and emergency responders.
  • The backup communicator will take over if the primary communicator is unavailable.

Practice your communication plan:

  • Conduct regular drills or practice sessions to ensure that everyone in the family understands their roles and responsibilities in the communication plan.
  • Simulate emergency scenarios and practice communicating with each other using the chosen methods.

By having a well-defined communication plan and procedures, you can ensure that your family stays connected and informed during an emergency, helping to coordinate efforts and respond effectively to the situation.

Specific instructions for family members.

In addition to general emergency procedures, it's important to provide specific instructions for each family member, taking into account their age, abilities, and responsibilities.

  • Assign roles and responsibilities:

    Assign specific roles and responsibilities to each family member during an emergency. This may include tasks such as caring for younger children, assisting elderly relatives, or shutting off utilities.

  • Create a buddy system:

    Pair up younger children with older siblings or responsible adults to ensure they are supervised and accounted for during an emergency.

  • Teach basic first aid and CPR:

    Provide basic first aid and CPR training to family members who are old enough to learn. This knowledge can be lifesaving in an emergency.

  • Discuss potential hazards and risks:

    Talk to your family members about potential hazards and risks in your area, such as natural disasters, fires, or other emergencies. Discuss how to respond to each scenario.

By providing specific instructions and guidance to each family member, you can help ensure that everyone knows what to do and how to respond in an emergency, increasing the chances of a successful outcome.

Regular review and updates.

To ensure that your family emergency plan sheet remains effective and relevant, it's essential to review and update it regularly.

  • Schedule regular reviews:

    Set a schedule for reviewing your family emergency plan sheet, such as every six months or annually.

  • Review changes and updates:

    During each review, assess whether there have been any changes in your family's circumstances, such as new members, changes in contact information, or new potential hazards in your area.

  • Update the plan accordingly:

    Make any necessary updates to your family emergency plan sheet based on your review. This may include adding new emergency contact information, revising evacuation routes, or updating supplies.

  • Conduct practice drills:

    Regularly conduct practice drills or simulations to ensure that your family members are familiar with the plan and know what to do in an emergency.

By regularly reviewing and updating your family emergency plan sheet, you can ensure that it remains current and effective, increasing your family's preparedness for any emergency situation.


If you have questions about creating and maintaining a family emergency plan sheet, here are some frequently asked questions and answers:

Question 1: What is a family emergency plan sheet?

Answer 1: A family emergency plan sheet is a comprehensive document that outlines the steps your family will take in the event of an emergency. It includes important information such as emergency contact information, evacuation plans, meeting locations, and supplies needed to sustain your household during a crisis.

Question 2: Why is it important to have a family emergency plan sheet?

Answer 2: Having a family emergency plan sheet can help you and your loved ones stay safe and organized during an emergency. It provides a clear roadmap for everyone to follow, reducing stress and confusion in chaotic situations.

Question 3: What should I include in my family emergency plan sheet?

Answer 3: Your family emergency plan sheet should include the following information: emergency contact information, evacuation plans and meeting locations, supplies for sustenance and survival, communication plan and procedures, specific instructions for family members, and a plan for regular review and updates.

Question 4: How often should I review and update my family emergency plan sheet?

Answer 4: It's recommended to review and update your family emergency plan sheet at least once a year, or more frequently if there are significant changes in your family's circumstances or potential hazards in your area.

Question 5: What are some tips for creating a family emergency plan sheet?

Answer 5: Here are some tips for creating a family emergency plan sheet: involve all family members in the planning process, keep it simple and easy to understand, use clear and concise language, and store it in a safe and accessible location.

Question 6: Where should I store my family emergency plan sheet?

Answer 6: Store your family emergency plan sheet in a safe and easily accessible location, such as a fireproof safe or a waterproof container. Consider keeping a digital copy on your electronic devices as well.

By creating and maintaining a family emergency plan sheet, you can help ensure that your loved ones are prepared for any emergency situation.

Here are some additional tips for creating a family emergency plan sheet:


Here are some practical tips for creating a family emergency plan sheet:

Tip 1: Involve all family members in the planning process.

When creating your family emergency plan sheet, involve all family members, including children and elderly relatives. This will help ensure that everyone understands the plan and knows what to do in an emergency. It also provides an opportunity for family members to share their concerns and ideas.

Tip 2: Keep it simple and easy to understand.

Your family emergency plan sheet should be clear and concise, using simple language that everyone can understand. Avoid using technical jargon or complicated instructions. Use bullet points, headings, and visuals to make the information easy to read and follow.

Tip 3: Use clear and concise language.

When writing your family emergency plan sheet, use clear and concise language that everyone in your family can understand. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to some members. Use simple sentences and straightforward instructions.

Tip 4: Store it in a safe and accessible location.

Store your family emergency plan sheet in a safe and easily accessible location, such as a fireproof safe or a waterproof container. Make sure all family members know where it is and how to access it. Consider keeping a digital copy on your electronic devices as well, such as your smartphone or laptop.

By following these tips, you can create a family emergency plan sheet that is effective, easy to understand, and accessible to all family members.

Having a well-prepared family emergency plan sheet is a crucial step towards protecting your loved ones and ensuring their safety during unexpected events. Regularly review and update your plan to keep it current and relevant.


A family emergency plan sheet is a vital tool that can help keep your loved ones safe and organized during unexpected events. By taking the time to create and maintain a comprehensive plan, you can ensure that everyone in your household knows what to do and where to go in an emergency.

Remember to include important information such as emergency contact information, evacuation plans, meeting locations, supplies needed for sustenance and survival, communication plans, specific instructions for family members, and a plan for regular review and updates. Involve all family members in the planning process, keep the plan simple and easy to understand, and store it in a safe and accessible location.

Having a well-prepared family emergency plan sheet is not only responsible but also provides peace of mind, knowing that you have taken steps to protect your loved ones in times of crisis. Regularly review and update your plan to keep it current and relevant, and conduct practice drills to ensure that everyone is familiar with the procedures.

By working together as a family and being prepared, you can face any emergency with confidence, knowing that you have a plan in place to keep everyone safe.

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