Baby Teeth Chart: A Guide To Your Child's First Set Of Teeth

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Baby Teeth Chart: A Guide to Your Child's First Set of Teeth

Introduction to Baby Teeth

If you’re a parent, you may have noticed that your child’s first set of teeth are starting to appear. You may be wondering what the timing is for these teeth to come in, and what to expect along the way. The following guide explains the timeline of baby teeth development and provides a baby teeth chart so you can track your child’s development.

When Do Baby Teeth Start Coming In?

Most babies start getting their first teeth around the age of six months. However, this is just a general timeline, and it is normal for your baby’s teeth to come in a bit earlier or later. Generally, the lower central incisors come in first, followed by the upper central incisors. The rest of the baby teeth will typically come in between the ages of 8 months and 2.5 years.

What Do Baby Teeth Look Like?

Baby teeth are much smaller than the permanent adult teeth that will replace them. They are also more brittle, which is why it is important to start teaching your child good brushing habits as soon as possible. The chart below shows what a baby’s teeth can look like at different ages.

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Baby Teeth Chart: Ages 0-6 Months

At this age, your baby will probably not have any teeth yet. However, you may notice that the gums are swollen and tender. This is due to the development of the teeth. If you look closely, you may even be able to see the first teeth pushing through the gums.

Baby Teeth Chart: Ages 7-12 Months

At this age, your baby should have the two lower central incisors and may even have the two upper central incisors. The lateral incisors and first molars may also be visible.

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Baby Teeth Chart: Ages 12-24 Months

By this age, your baby should have all of their primary teeth. This includes all of the incisors, canines, and molars. This is the time when you should begin teaching your child how to properly brush and floss their teeth to prevent cavities and other dental issues.

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Your child’s first set of teeth is an important milestone in their development. It is important to understand the timeline for their teeth to come in and to track their development using the baby teeth chart. You should also start teaching them proper dental hygiene habits early on to ensure that their teeth stay healthy and strong.